Introducing Broker IB What Is It, Vs Clearing Broker, How to Be?

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financial institutions

The term also includes the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, with respect to any financial company as defined in section 201 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act or any insured depository institution under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, and with respect to each affiliate of any such company or institution. A person who is registered as a derivatives clearing organization with the Commission pursuant to section 5b of the Act and regulations thereunder, shall not be deemed to be a major swap participant, regardless of whether the criteria in this definition otherwise would cause the person to be a major swap participant. Regulation Best Execution would impose the new requirements on introducing brokers that, until now, have complied with their best execution obligations by performing “regular and rigorous” reviews of execution quality reports and other statistics from executing and clearing brokers with which they have contracted. The Rule 605 amendments proposed by the Commission on the same day as Regulation Best Execution would enhance broker disclosure of order execution information and seem designed to help in this regard. Given the rigorous requirement to review EQ and adjust order-handling practices based on that review, it is not clear why it is necessary also to narrow the definition of introducing broker to exclude, for example, those that execute through an affiliated broker.


Include disciplinary sanctions other than the exclusion of participants from trading. Positions in Cleared Swaps, as § 22.1 of this chapter defines that term, that have not been fulfilled by delivery; not been offset; not expired; and not been terminated. The securities that satisfy paragraph of this definition comprise at least 80 percent of the index’s weighting. Shall have the same meaning as that set forth in § 31.4 of this chapter.

New Regulation Best Execution would result in a pivot from what has been a principles-based approach to achieving and regulating best execution, to a prescriptive, rules-based regime that heavily emphasizes brokers’ policies and procedures. If adopted, the regulation will reshape the landscape for order routing, execution, and broker economics. Despite that, the Commission seems to rely on significant conjecture to support the proposal, often referring to “may,” “could,” and “might” when describing concerns with existing practices and potential ameliorative effects of the proposed requirements.

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Formal guidance may be sought through a written inquiry that is consistent with the SEC’s guidelines for no-action, interpretive, and exemptive requests. In contrast, clearing and executing brokers receive assets or money directly from the clients. Introducing Broker is a term given to companies or individuals operating majorly in the futures market.


The aggregate potential outward exposure for each of the person’s swap positions in such major swap category that are either subject to daily mark-to-market margining or are cleared by a registered or exempt clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization, as calculated in accordance with paragraph of this definition. An introducing broker is an individual or organization that solicits or accepts orders to buy or sell futures contracts, forex, commodity options, or swaps but does not accept money or other assets from customers to support these orders. IBs must carry all forex and futures accounts, including customer, proprietary and foreign futures, with a futures commission merchant or retail foreign exchange dealer on a fully disclosed basis. Many broker dealer do not self clear or carry customer accounts. Carrying customer accounts and clearing customer trades requires a large amount of infrastructure and capital to perform these functions.

Introducing Broker (IB) Explained

In the event of stocks that are not easy to borrow, the clearing firms securities lending team reach out to multiple financial institutions to borrow more stock. These teams with strong relationships within the industry can offer an advantage to traders who lean on a short selling strategy. The Commission noted in the proposal that “a broker-dealer’s failure to achieve the most favorable price for customer orders would not necessarily be a violation of the proposed best execution standard.” However, Regulation Best Execution appears to focus on price as the alpha and omega considerations for firms, seemingly regardless of other order routing and order execution variables available for consideration. The Commission devotes significant discussion in the proposal to how broker-dealers should scour markets for the best available price, yet substantially less time helping broker-dealers understand how to identify and weigh other best execution factors . Your goal is to portray yourself as a reliable and trustworthy voice with valuable insights into the world of online forex trading.

introduced customers

This term means initial margin posted by a clearing member with a derivatives clearing organization. Any swap that is primarily based on equity securities, including but not limited to any swap based on one or more broad-based indices of equity securities and any total return swap on one or more equity indices. If you’ve ever traded stocks, you’ve probably used a market maker. Market makers are the middlemen of the stock market, and in most cases, these are firms, individuals, and or large corporations that facilitate transactions.


Think in terms of podcasts and YouTube videos, trader eBooks, a regular financial column, blog posts and guest posts. Get people liking, commenting and quoting you on social media. If you can build a genuine following on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, you’re already one step ahead. A popular YouTube channel is an even more powerful marketing tool for Forex introducing brokers. Whatever online resources you develop as an IB, your emphasis should always be on quality over quantity. An introducing broker has a direct working relationship with clients but does not directly execute trades.

  • Introducing Brokermeans a person which is remunerated by the Company and/or clients for referral of clients to the Company and/or for provision of advice to such Clients and/or execution of such Clients’ transactions towards the Company.
  • The form, label, and written documentation of an agreement, contract, or transaction shall not be dispositive in determining whether the agreement, contract, or transaction has been willfully structured to evade as provided in paragraphs through of this definition.
  • Exceptional clearing firms tend to carry more short inventory of stocks.
  • An application fee for principals and APs is not required if the individual is currently registered with the CFTC in any capacity or is listed as a principal of a current CFTC registrant.

You should also be able to give potential clients demos and tours. It may be worth trying to negotiate fixed spreads or cashback deals for high volume clients. The bottom line is that if you’re making money for a program as an introducing broker, you can be assertive and request better resources. If you want to earn high commissions as a successful introducing broker, you need to develop an online presence. Not only do you need to reach new clients, but your name needs to be ‘Google Gold’. Put simply, if a potential client Googles your name, they need to see a list of positive and powerful returns that immediately portray you as a credible financial commentator.

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No presumption shall arise that a define introducing broker is required to perform the calculations needed to determine if it is a major swap participant, solely by reason that the person does not meet the conditions specified in paragraph , or of this definition. That person will be deemed a major swap participant pursuant to the timing requirements specified in paragraph of this definition at the end of the next fiscal quarter if the person exceeds any of the applicable daily average thresholds in that next fiscal quarter. This term means and includes any individual, association, partnership, corporation, trust or other person that is engaged in the business of offering to enter into, entering into or confirming the execution of leverage contracts, or soliciting or accepting orders for leverage contracts, and who accepts leverage customer funds in connection therewith. This term means money, securities, or property posted by a party to a futures, option, or swap as performance bond to cover potential future exposures arising from changes in the market value of the position. Otherwise provides clearing services or arrangements that mutualize or transfer among participants in the derivatives clearing organization the credit risk arising from such agreements, contracts, or transactions executed by the participants.

An introducing broker is a broker-dealer that contracts with a clearing firm to handle the execution and settlement of orders that the introducing firm receives from its clients or its own trading desk to buy and sell securities. Absent specific instruction from its DEA or the Commission, such a broker-dealer is not required to maintain a “Special Account for the Exclusive Benefit of Customers” if due to the nature of its business activities the broker-dealer would not ever be in possession of customer funds or securities. If customer funds or securities were received, however, and not promptly transmitted to such an account, the receipt of the funds or securities would be considered an exception that management would be required to describe in its exemption report. Many broker-dealers also serve primarily as distributors for mutual fund shares. These broker-dealers may be compensated in numerous ways and, like all broker-dealers, are subject to compliance with requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission and one or more self-regulatory organizations, such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority .

The Private Equity Review: fundraising in India – Lexology

The Private Equity Review: fundraising in India.

Posted: Thu, 06 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

And if you need trade surveillance support, we may be able to help. Manage taxes and corporate actions, learn about T+1 settlement and trade allocations, and read about additional tools and services available to clients. Our proprietary API and FIX CTCI solutions let institutions create their own automated, rules-based trading system that takes advantage of our high-speed order routing and broad market depth. A turnkey solution for Prime Brokers covering trading, clearing, reporting, and billing – with no long-term contract required. 16 OFAC offers a RISS feed service as well as an email notice system which pushes out digital information about its programs, including updates to its SDN List.

The rule change remains in effect, though subject to modifications. Professional participant in securities market who carries out dealer activity shall be called dealer. For purposes of this paragraph of this definition, a swap shall be deemed to be entered into by a cooperative association of producers with a member of such cooperative association of producers when the swap is between a cooperative association of producers and a person that is a member of a cooperative association of producers that is itself a member of the first cooperative association of producers. A person chartered under Federal law as a cooperative and predominantly engaged in activities that are financial in nature as defined in section 4 of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, 12 U.S.C. 1843.

Most major commercial banks in Japan also maintain broker-dealer subsidiaries, as do many foreign commercial banks and investment banks. The person does not enter into the swap in connection with activity structured to evade designation as a swap dealer. Future adjustments to scope of the de minimis exception. The Commission may by rule or regulation change the requirements of the de minimis exception described in paragraphs through of this definition. Engages in any activity causing it to be commonly known in the trade as a dealer or market maker in swaps.

Often, in this situation will claim the exemption that best describes their primary business line . While that particular exemption might be the most relevant, it doesn’t address all pertinent business streams. Aggregate uncollateralized outward exposure in general means the sum of the current exposure, obtained by marking-to-market using industry standard practices, of each of the person’s swap positions with negative value in a major swap category, less the value of the collateral the person has posted in connection with those positions. This term has the meaning given to the term in section 1a of the Commodity Exchange Act and includes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Farm Credit Administration, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency, as applicable to the swap dealer or major swap participant.

Carrying Broker Definition – Investopedia

Carrying Broker Definition.

Posted: Sat, 25 Mar 2017 20:03:58 GMT [source]

The quote information that the specialist or market maker provides must reflect the best prices at which he is willing to trade . A specialist or market maker may still trade at better prices in certain private trading systems, called electronic communications networks, or “ECNs,” without publishing an improved quote. This is true only when the ECN itself publishes the improved prices and makes those prices available to the investing public. Thus, the Quote Rule ensures that the public has access to the best prices at which specialists and market makers are willing to trade even if those prices are in private trading systems. The “Order Protection Rule” requires trading centers to establish, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent the execution of trades at prices inferior to protected quotations displayed by other trading centers, subject to an applicable exception. To be protected, a quotation must be immediately and automatically accessible.


We wish to stress that we have published this guide as an introduction to the federal securities laws that apply to brokers and dealers. It only highlights and summarizes certain provisions, and does not relieve anyone from complying with all applicable regulatory requirements. You should not rely on this guide without referring to the actual statutes, rules, regulations, and interpretations. Broker-dealers have broad obligations under the Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”)13 to guard against money laundering and terrorist financing through their firms. The BSA, its implementing regulations, and Rule 17a-8 under the Exchange Act require broker-dealers to file reports or retain records relating to suspicious transactions, customer identity, large cash transactions, cross-border currency movement, foreign bank accounts and wire transfers, among other things.

3 Section 9 prohibits particular manipulative practices regarding securities registered on a national securities exchange. Section 10 is a broad “catch-all” provision that prohibits the use of “any manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance” in connection with the purchase or sale of any security. Sections 15 and 15 apply to the over-the-counter markets. Section 15 prohibits broker-dealers from effecting transactions in, or inducing the purchase or sale of, any security by means of “any manipulative, deceptive or other fraudulent device,” and Section 15 prohibits a broker-dealer from making fictitious quotes. This rule protects customer funds and securities held by broker-dealers.

IBKR BestXTM is a powerful suite of advanced trading technologies designed to help clients achieve best execution and maximize price improvement while minimizing market impact. Introducing Brokermeans a person which is remunerated by the Company and/or clients for referral of clients to the Company and/or for provision of advice to such Clients and/or execution of such Clients’ transactions towards the Company. Introducing Brokermeans persons within the meaning set forth in Section 1a of the CEA and within the definition of ‘foreign broker’ set forth in 17 C.F.R. 1.3. The “Market Data Rules” update the requirements for consolidating, distributing, and displaying market information. In addition, amendments to the joint industry plans for disseminating market information modify the formulas for allocating plan revenues among the self-regulatory organizations and broaden participation in plan governance. Creating uniform order marking requirements for sales of all equity securities.

Also, the best brokerages have marketing assistance to affiliates and IBs with banners, landing pages, and embeddable materials for websites. Therefore, brokerages that are certified by organizations such as the Financial Conduct Authority in the U.K, for example, will most likely require some certification from prospective introducing brokers. The kind of certification that is appropriate depends on where you will be doing your work. Contact local financial regulatory authorities for details about certification. Invest globally in stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds and funds from a single unified platform.

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